Template Syntax Guide

This document explains the template syntax (Go template syntax) used for create a custom alert template in Versus Incident.

Table of Contents

Basic Syntax

Access Data

Access data fields using double curly braces and dot notation, for example, with the data:

{ "Logs": "[ERROR] This is an error log from User Service that we can obtain using Fluent Bit.", "ServiceName": "order-service", }

Example template:

*Error in {{ .ServiceName }}* {{ .Logs }}


You can declare variables within a template using the {{ $variable := value }} syntax. Once declared, variables can be used throughout the template, for example:

{{ $owner := "Team Alpha" }} Owner: {{ $owner }}


Owner: Team Alpha


Pipelines allow you to chain together multiple actions or functions. The result of one action can be passed as input to another, for example:

upper: Converts a string to uppercase.

*{{ .ServiceName | upper }} Failure*

lower: Converts a string to lowercase.

*{{ .ServiceName | lower }} Failure*

title: Converts a string to title case (first letter of each word capitalized).

*{{ .ServiceName | title }} Failure*

default: Provides a default value if the input is empty.

*{{ .ServiceName | default "unknown-service" }} Failure*

slice: Extracts a sub-slice from a slice or string.

{{ .Logs | slice 0 50 }} // First 50 characters

replace: Replaces occurrences of a substring.

{{ .Logs | replace "error" "issue" }}

trimPrefix: Trims a prefix from a string.

{{ .Logs | trimPrefix "prod-" }}

trimSuffix: Trims a suffix from a string.

{{ .Logs | trimSuffix "-service" }}

len: Returns the length

{{ .Logs | len }} // Length of the message

urlquery: Escapes a string for use in a URL query.

uri /search?q={{ .Query | urlquery }}

You can chain multiple pipes together:

{{ .Logs | trim | lower | truncate 50 }}

Control Structures


The templates support conditional logic using if, else, and end keywords.

{{ if .IsCritical }} 🚨 CRITICAL ALERT 🚨 {{ else }} ⚠️ Warning Alert ⚠️ {{ end }}


{{ and .Value1 .Value2 .Value3 }}


{{ or .Value1 .Value2 "default" }}

Best Practices

Error Handling:

{{ If .Error }} {{ .Details }} {{ else }} No error details {{ end }}

Whitespace Control:

{{- if .Production }} // Remove preceding whitespace PROD ALERT{{ end -}} // Remove trailing whitespace

Template Comments:

{{/* This is a hidden comment */}}

Negates a boolean value:

{{ if not .IsCritical }} This is not a critical issue. {{ end }}

Checks if two values are equal:

{{ if eq .Status "critical" }} 🚨 Critical Alert 🚨 {{ end }}

Checks if two values are not equal:

{{ if ne .Env "production" }} This is not a production environment. {{ end }}

Returns the length of a string, slice, array, or map:

{{ if gt (len .Errors) 0 }} There are {{ len .Errors }} errors. {{ end }}

Checks if a string has a specific prefix:

{{ if .ServiceName | hasPrefix "prod-" }} Production service! {{ end }}

Checks if a string has a specific suffix:

{{ if .ServiceName | hasSuffix "-service" }} This is a service. {{ end }}

Checks if a message contains a specific strings:

{{ if contains .Logs "error" }} The message contains error logs. {{ else }} The message does NOT contain error. {{ end }}


Iterate over slices/arrays with range:

{{ range .ErrorStack }} - {{ . }} {{ end }}